terça-feira, 23 de novembro de 2010

Latest news about Lanvin for H&M

This magnificent collection for H & M has arrived in Portugal.It is finally the most awaited collection of all time.

These pieces are unique and exclusive."What of luxury today? Luxury can be exclusive and democratic at the same time how can we translate the essence of luxury to a wider audience? The world around us is changing rapidly and I ask myself these questions increasingly "says the designer Alber Elbaz. "The work of a designer is usually tailored to a very small group of people, but the collection for H & M was trying to translate the dream of luxury for the masses. It was almost like going back to school for me."

Alber Elbaz asked some of his friends to parade as a show of haute couture, this parade was held with the new clothing collection for H & M.The launch took place at the Pierre Hotel in New York.

"I think Alber Elbaz is great, I love what he does at Lanvin, is so proud and happy and confident," said Sofia Coppola during the fashion show.
--Lanvin that began today to be sold in H & M and has been a huge success, not just the queues and everyone wants to be the first to come and take the pieces unique to the brand.Here are some photos of a shop h & m.
Lanvin Lovers

Lanvin Lovers

Lanvin Lovers

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